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Theory of Change Workshop: Formulation of MSNP-III (2023-2030)

On November 24, 2022, the National Planning Commission (NPC) organized a one-day “Theory of Change Workshop” at Hotel Yellow Pagoda, Kathmandu Nepal as a process to guide the formulation of a Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Plan-III (2023-2030). The key objectives of the workshop were to:

  • To understand the concept of the Theory of Change (ToC) and its development process
  • To demonstrate the sectoral causal framework finalized after the Deprivation and Causality Analysis Workshop
  • To Develop Sectoral Theory of Change for MSNP-III

About eighty participants from sectoral ministries, the European Union in Nepal, UN agencies (UNICEF Nepal, WFP), other development partners (USAID, FCDO), relevant stakeholders, civil society organizations, academia, and experts participated in a “Theory of Change Workshop” to support the drafting of Government of Nepal’s third phase of Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan. The workshop was chaired by Mr. Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Secretary of the National Planning Commission. 

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Mr. Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Secretary, NPC, sharing his remarks during ToC Workshop

Ms. Laxmi Ghimire, Program Director, NPC welcomed the participants and briefly highlighted the objectives of the workshop. In her welcome remarks, she highlighted the significance of formulation of MSNP-III for human capital development, underscored the need to develop actionable ToC, redefine the target beneficiaries, and focus on improving not only the access but also the quality of nutrition services. She further urged participants to bring forth constructive and innovative ideas during the discussion. Following this, Dr. Kiran Rupakhetee, Joint Secretary, Good Governance and Social Development Division, NPC and SUN Country Coordinator made the first presentation on “Context Setting-Theory of Change” and concisely shared the Journey of MSNP, vision, goal, and objective of MSNP-II and introduced the key concepts of Theory of Change and described the ToC developed for MSNP-II succinctly. 

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Ms. Laxmi Ghimire, Program Director, NPC, sharing her welcome remarks

Mr. Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Secretary, NPC, shared his initial remarks and provided some key guidance for MSNP-III formulation. He noted that MSNP is organized compared to other national plans, however, there are still issues with its implementation. He mentioned that he has realized the significance of the “nutrition budget code” for tracking the allocation and expenditure for nutrition which he has been advocating since the implementation of MSNP-II, which is yet to be materialized. He reiterated that MSNP is not just a plan of any individual ministry; instead it’s a common plan for all the sectoral ministries involved, all levels of government, development partners, and all the relevant stakeholders. He urged to capitalize from the learnings of implementation of MSNP-I and MSNP-II to develop ToC for MSNP-III in a way that no further multi-sector nutrition plan as such is required beyond 2030. He concluded his remarks by stressing the pivotal role of nutrition in shaping the country’s future.

Dr. Rajendra BC, National Consultant for NPC, made a presentation on “ToC and its development process” and entailed the key steps involved in the formulation of ToC with a few examples. Following this, six different presentations were made on the “Sector Causality Framework” from individual sectors namely: Governance, Health, WASH, Education, Agriculture, Women, and Children Sector. The Undersecretary of the respective sectoral ministries nominated as a Member Secretary of the thematic reference group delivered the presentation of their respective sectors. 

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Dr. Kiran Rupakhetee, Joint Secretary, Good Governance and Social Development Division, NPC and SUN Country Coordinator delivering presentation on Key Concepts of ToC

Group work followed after the presentation on the causality framework by sectors to develop the ToC of each sector (Health, WASH, Education, Agriculture and Livestock, Women and Children, and Local Governance) based on the causality framework. Dr. Rajendra BC provided initial guidance and instructions for developing the ToC of the individual sector. Rigorous discussion took place for about three hours within six different groups to develop a sectoral ToC. Following the group discussion, each group made its presentation and shared the ToC of the individual sector. 

Dr. Kiran summarized the key takeaways of the presentation of each group and mentioned that the workshop in particular group discussion was instrumental and provided invaluable inputs in developing the ToC of each sector. He reiterated the need to strengthen National Nutrition and Food Security Secretariat (NNFSS), have a designated unit at the local level to oversee the implementation of MSNP, integrate the sectoral information system, focus on increasing agriculture production, and improve the nutrition quality of mid-day meal- that was highlighted by participants. He noted that NPC has realized that the thematic reference group (RG) meeting of each sector has been less frequent and assured that more frequent RG meetings will be conducted to have a more rigorous discussion to fine-tune the TOC and develop a consolidated and comprehensive ToC. While concluding his remarks, he expressed his gratitude for the contribution of each member of six different groups for their contribution, acknowledged the presence of all seven provincial coordinators, government officials from MoFAGA, and other sectoral ministries. He added that following the finalization of ToC, the Result Framework, and M&E framework will be developed. 

The workshop was concluded by Mr. Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Secretary of NPC. In his closing remarks, he pointed out the need for more precise preparation and discussion to explicitly define the strategic direction and pathways for 7 years to improve the nutrition situation of Nepal in a way that beyond MSNP-III, no further plan as such is required. He also urged for greater clarity about the implementation of plans at the political level and the local level and called for developing disaggregated activity with defined results. He also called for cross-sectoral inputs before finalizing the ToC. He informed that recruitment of dedicated human resources for nutrition at the local level and social behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions will be prioritized in the forthcoming years for effective implementation of MSNP. In his closing remarks, he restated the need to develop a nutrition budget code and consider “nutrition” as an agenda of not just the mother but of government, development partners, stakeholders, civil societies, and every individual in the society. He concluded the program by expressing his sincere gratitude for the active contribution of participants and expressed his best wishes for the remaining process of MSNP-III formulation.


Glimpse of Group work during Workshop:

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Presentation on Causal Framework of Sectors of Governance Sector (by Mr. Resham Kandel, Undersecretary, MoFAGA-to the left)  and Women and Children Sector (By Mr Bikram Prasad Panday, Under secretary, MoWCSC-to the right)

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Presentation on ToC of Health Sector (By Ms. Kalpana Panday, Nutrition Officer, DoHS, to the left) and Education Sector (By Ms. Dibya Manandhar- Independent Expert- to the right)

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Group members of Governance Sector

A group of people sitting at a table

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Group members of Health Sector

A group of men sitting at a table looking at a computer

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Group members of WASH Sector

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Group members of Agriculture Sector